Sunday, 8 May 2011

How To Beat High Gas Prices

It may be down a few cents today but it is very possible that it could go up again as soon as tomorrow.
One of the more promising ways to achieve this is to make a Hydrogen Generator so you can run cars on water as well as gasoline.
A Hydrogen Generator for vehicles is a small device that fits easily under the hood of your car next to your engine, and there is no need to make any alterations to your car.
It does not cause damage to your existing engine actually a hydrogen generator for vehicles actually improve your performance engines.

Some of the main reasons why you should make a Hydrogen Generator are as follows.
1) You can expect gas mileage improvements of between 35% - 50%, which is a fortune for petrol pumps.
2)Your engines performance will be improved giving you a more powerful and smoother ride.
3) A carbon content of fuel is not burned by the creation and clogging the engine in fact over time  DIY Hydrogen Generator remove helps any existing carbon already in your Motor.
4)Less harmful exhaust emissions being pumped into the atmosphere, poisoning the air and contributing to global warming.

So when you have decided to make a Hydrogen Generator for your vehicles there are a couple of ways you can go about it.

Whatever way you decide to go about it you will still need a good instruction guide to show you exactly what to do and give you a more detailed understanding of the principles of a Hydrogen Generator for vehicles.

So the bottom line is, if you are fed up with high gas prices and are serious about making some real gas mileage improvements and getting more MPG for your vehicles you should make a Hydrogen Generator.

The Exceptional Fuel Kits Of Hydrogen

This is due to the fact that the gas price increases as time passes by.
But how do such kits work?

Water is a renewable type of energy which makes it a good choice to power cars.
The hydrogen molecules are the ones needed to run the engines of the cars.
The kits actually have electrodes which allow electricity to pass through the water.
The efficiency of water powered cars is exceptional since hydrogen gas burns much better than the normal gasoline.
So you can save gas in about two to attach only the water as fuel.

Furthermore, running cars on water can give people excellent advantages.
One of the advantages is the fact that you can reduce its costs by the gas hydrogen kit.
In addition, cars powered by water have higher gas mileage compared to any cars out there.
In fact, kits for hydrogen as fuel is provided to make water as the most effective way to power cars.
As a matter of fact, the sales of such kits are undeniably increasing in all parts of the world.

Hydrogen Generators A Safer Way To Save Money

First of all, keep in mind that there are a lot of terms floating around the internet that all mean the same thing. Hydrogen converter, HHO, Brown's gas, hydrogen as fuel, hydrogen oxygen converters, hydrogen generators, hydrogen fuel cell, etc.

But, the question remains.

You may have heard or read some of the "internet myths" that are being passed around -- hydrogen is highly explosive, dangerous to store, is used in nuclear bombs, etc.
It is no need to worry about all this! The details are true, but they are not relevant for idea of running the motor on the water using a hydrogen generator running car in water.
First of all - compressed hydrogen is explosive.
You will only be using free floating hydrogen molecules that are created only when your engine is ready to use them.
No pressure of hydrogen - no risk! Second, the compressed hydrogen can be dangerous to buy - Images of giant reservoirs with complicated relief valves, etc..
Again - you won't be using pressurized hydrogen stored in heavy, awkward tanks.

Third - yes, hydrogen was part of World War II atomic bombs - but that was based on nuclear fission, meaning splitting up hydrogen atoms.
Only whole "un-split" and non-pressurized hydrogen molecules are involved in building a hydrogen generator to run your car on water.
So don't let the nay-sayers and drama queens scare you away from saving a lot of your hard-earned money by adding a hydrogen generator to your gas or diesel engine.
Hydrogen generators are safe, easy to construct and install and can save you hundreds or thousands of dollars on your energy costs now.

You just need to choose the best hydrogen generator for your needs.

Convert Your Car Into Water Powered Vehicle

You know, if you convert your car to run on hydrogen fuel cells you can save up to 80% on fuel costs? The truth is that hydrogen fuel much cheaper, safer and more effective than any other fuel that exists today.
There are some car owners that know this fact and are interested in running a more fuel efficient car using this unique kind of fuel.

Cars that run on hydrogen fuel use a special gas known as HHO.
This extra combustion of hydrogen will give your car more power, which will require less gasoline for your engine.
In fact, this hydrogen technology will increase your gas mileage by at least 28%.
Also, hydrogen fuel will increase your engine's horsepower and torque, and it will also allow your car engine to live longer.
These are some of the reasons why many people in dealing with this particular type of fuel are interested.

The process of making the switch to using this hydrogen technology is an easy one.
But without proper plans do you have difficulty in adapting successfully.

The best hydrogen fuel plans will provide you with simple step by step instructions making it possible for anyone to convert their car into this hydrogen technology.
These plans will show you how the HHO gas to power your car for months at a time with the tap water.

Experts believe in the next five years this hydrogen powered energy will be standard in new automobiles.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Environment Friendly

It is no doubt that the development of hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative fuel is good environment, but how does it work? It is easy to say that we use hydrogen technology to protect our environment and global warming.
Finding facts about it and embracing those facts can be two very different things.
First, consider the fact that hydrogen fuel cells are good for environment because they are developed the cleanest burning fuels ever.
Hydrogen is taken out of water and then put into fuel cells as a gas that can power a vehicle.
Single issue, which is a fuel cell vehicle with water vapor.
It's like having a humidifier for the whole world.

There are, however, some drawbacks that are associated with hydrogen fuel cells and the environment.
A fully efficient production, storage and transport of hydrogen should, in principle, to achieve zero emissions of undesirable gases.

But the researchers point out that such a system would be expensive, and that in reality around 10-20% of the hydrogen would escape into the atmosphere.
They say that to double when all of today's hydrogen fuel cell technologies replaces oil and gas firing on the basis of these losses or even triple total hydrogen in the atmosphere, deposited in the earth's surface.

Other researchers say that the hydrogen would be oxidized when it reaches the stratosphere, which would cool the stratosphere and create more clouds.
This delayed the breaking of the polar vortex, the north and south poles, so that the holes in the ozone layer larger and longer-lasting.
They estimate that the extra hydrogen will lead to a 5-8% rise in ozone depletion at the North Pole and between 3 and 7% at the South Pole.
The exact extent of this additional reduction of ozone, however, depends on a number of unknowns.
In addition to uncertainty over the extent of hydrogen emissions in the future, little is understood about how soil absorbs hydrogen from the atmosphere.
The researchers say that it is possible that this process could compensate for all new anthropogenic emissions.

The truth is, however, that using hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative fuel is actually - in the long run - good for the environment.
If only emission that comes from hydrogen fuel cells is water vapor, you're talking about a huge advantage over the toxic elements released into the air with gasoline burning cars.

The bottom line is that hydrogen fuel cells have a positive effect on the environment.
There are many other advantages and disadvantages of hydrogen as an alternative fuel has the most promise over any other alternative fuel.

Can I Make My Own Hydrogen Car

Hydrogen cars are the answer that many hope to respond to the growing oil crisis in America.
Most people think of hydrogen cars as being a really expensive new innovation that's going to revolutionize the auto industry, but what most motorists need is a hydrogen generator, or an HHO.
These are indeed easy to construct and install in your vehicle, you can make your own hydrogen car.
There are some hydrogen generator kits that are expensive, but you don't need a particularly expensive kit to work with.
Hydrogen generators are respectful environment and can help to reduce fuel costs.
Interested in saving some money at the pump and save the environment at the same time? Then read on.
HHO is on the chemical compound name for H2O,.
This is how a hydrogen generator kit really works.
The kit uses a method pioneered in the late Yull Brown, a Bulgarian physicist.
This method or process is called electrolysis, and involves the use of an electric current to break down the molecules of water into their basic hydrogen and oxygen components to produce the two individual gases.
They then dispersed in the air already in the engine of your car pumped through the air.
Subsequently they are added to the fumes that are burned in the engine's combustion chamber, to generate the heat required to run the engine.
So in short, your car could possibly be used with less fuel, because it would partially have their usual amount of fuel is replaced by water.
However, because of how much storage extra water tanks take, and the weight they would add to the car, you can't switch completely to this method, but you can get a good boost in your performance and mileage - sometimes up to 50% in gas mileage.
This means you pay only half as much at the pump.

There are other benefits to using an HHO generator.
For one, you can use the engine more efficient, because when you burn gasoline, waste collects in the engine and makes it inefficient over time.
The water vapor produced by HHO generators leaves no such residue, so you can be assured that your car's performance will not be affected in the long run.
Given the fact that hydrogen, oxygen are naturally occurring elements in the atmosphere, would the emissions from a HHO generator very much respect for the room exhaust normal cars carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which were always presented as one of the few big contributors made air to pollution and climate change.
Another benefit is that you may qualify for tax credits from the IRS.
The Government encourages initiatives green with fuel and elements of lifestyle than others, so they offer incentives such as tax breaks for people who decide to follow the green options.

Fact is, anybody with a basic knowledge of cars and mechanical tools can build and install an HHO generator from a hydrogen generator kit.
In fact, you can make your own, even if it is better to have one with a capacitor.
The kit simply consists of a container with distilled water, baking soda, electrical wire, and a rubber hose.
And for the security conscious, the kit can easily be removed as easily as they can be added.

So interested yet in saving some money by being a more environment-conscious driver? With an abundance of online guides to teach you how to build a hydrogen generator using inexpensive, common everyday materials, you too can make you own hydrogen car.
Why pay thousands of dollars on a hybrid car that you can do yourself? Save money and save environment at the same time.

Power Your Car Using Hydrogen From Water

Gas prices have stabilized somewhat in recent weeks and a bit immersed.
That's great news for folks who have long commutes, or who operate vehicle fleets.
Most of us seem to relax after lowering gas prices a cent or so, if only because it means that, at least not on the rise.
In doing so we lose sight of the fact that gas is still really expensive.
Current national average price of $ 3 gas.
94 a gallon and while that is somewhat better than the $4.
07 one gallons one months, we quickly forget that a year ago, gasoline was $ 2.
89 at the pump.
This is an increase of 27% in price.
Can you imagine if other things in your life were to go up 27%? Most people exist with less than a 10% margin between their income and their bills.
An increase of this size would take too much, most people are hopelessly in the red.

So what are we going to do about it?

Well, to start with, we know that it's energy in general that is becoming more expensive.
While there are certainly people stood to benefit from this growth is the main reason that the more industrialized countries and are driving a car.
China and India represent 1/3 of the world's population and their booming auto industry is creating unheard of demand for gasoline.
In addition, the most accessible fuel, oil and gas reserves disappeared and is no longer cost money and energy in the coal and other fuels for heating have.
Since many power plants run on oil, this brings the price of all fuels up.
This is unfortunate downside risks for world economy.

One of the fuels that is being heralded as a potential savior is hydrogen.
It is the most abundant element in the universe, and is abundant on Earth.
It's one of the core components of water, H20.
Through a process known as electrolysis, water and made it as a fuel, hydrogen can be extracted.
The byproduct of this process is oxygen, not a bad thing to have a refinery spit out at all.
Many automobile manufacturers have recognized hydrogen as an energy source promising vehicles like the BMW Hydrogen 7, Honda FCX Clarity and the products were.
While they are currently only available in limited numbers and markets where there are hydrogen fuel stations, they are out there and it is a positive step for the economy and the world in general as their only exhaust is water vapor.
BMW Hydrogen 7 Car uses a motor of a car fairly regular.
The engines that our car's use are called Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) and essentially they simply burn something inside of themselves.
An example of an external combustion engine is a steam engine, where the fire is out of the engine.
While these engines have been refined to burn petroleum based fuels, they are capable of running on many other fuels, the only concern being that some fuels are more corrosive, or may be a solvent to some of the elements of the car's engines.
Fortunately, the hydrogen is not corrosive, and none of the components of a machine it will dissolve.
 In fact with not a lot of alteration, most car engines could run 100% on hydrogen.
As there is enough hydrogen to run, cars? Well, it would not simply have.
It's not that you couldn't, but the cost of getting a fuel tank for your car that could safely store that amount of hydrogen is somewhat prohibitive.
So there is alternative that can help? Interestingly, there is.
The engine in your car would be perfectly happy to get a mixture of Hydrogen and gasoline.
Indeed hydrogen , additional oxygen produced by electrolysis actually help to burn the fuel better.
Some people get as much as a 42% increase in their mileage by simply adding a moderate amount of hydrogen to their car's engine.
This is the same pay to $ 2.
20 a gallon for gasoline.
So you ask how this is done? The process is a device that can be installed under the hood of your car reached use of electricity from your car alternator to power an electrolyzer that produces hydrogen on the fly if needed.
This means that there is no storage of hydrogen and no issues with having to find a gas station that sells hydrogen as there are less than 200 worldwide.

Save Money Using Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Her mood changed in an instant, whenever you fill the tank.
The gas price fluctuates frequently but it always goes up overall.
It should not be so if you can power car with water.
Have you ever been exposed to hydrogen fuel cell technology?  This technology was invented 80 years ago, but it was kept secret considering the impact that would happen to oil company and oil producing countries.
Today, it is easily shared in the Internet world.

Is it really possible to run car on water?

Yes it is, in fact there was a interview done by CNN to a man that had successfully run his car on water and he said that he could potentially save thousands of Dollars every year.
This was against a gas price rises.
How lucky he is but it is not too late for you to do it.
Before you go and search for information that you want to learn some facts about the technology of hydrogen fuel cells.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - Fact 1

Running your car on water does not mean that you are going to power your car completely with water but you are going to make use the combination of two sources of energy such as gasoline and water.
Power is supplied by burning Brown gas "HHO hydrogen", extracted from the water produced.
You will need hydrogen generator to extract hydrogen from water and conversion tool to convert the hydrogen to energy that powers your car.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - Fact 2 hearing the phrase hydrogen technology might scare you and give you the idea that is difficult to achieve.
In fact it is so easy that you do not have to spend days to build a complete system.
If you do not, construct, you can always buy a complete system built, though it could cost some dollars.

If you build the complete system yourself, you will only need $180 or even less.
However, you should know to buy the materials and tools. The materials do not have to be expensive, there are many materials and tools that are cheap but high quality hydrogen technology.
How can I save money? Double pay your gas mileage enough half of the money you would normally pay for gas.

By paying only half from the normal expenses, you will be able to potentially save $1000 a year if you are a normal traveler.
If you travel a lot with car, you have more than $ 1,800 and save up, no joke.
Have you ever jotted down how much money you spend on gas yearly? If you have, you should know that you can save that much even if you are only halving your gas expense

Beside saving money, what other benefits you can get?

Reducing gas emission, reduce pollution/global warming and increasing your and your family's health quality.
Increasing your car's longevity.
Reducing noise and make your car run more smoothly

If you are serious about saving money in this bad economy time.
You must act now because? One day delay could mean a reduction of about $3 in your savings.
Are you going to be the next person to save money massively? Visit Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology - Ready To Save Money Massively? For more information about the top manual on how to convert your car to run on water.

Facts About Hydrogen You Might have Not known

Liquid hydrogen is abundant.
Actually, it's the most abundant element there is.
About 75 percent of the universe is made of hydrogen.
It's also the third most abundant element on Earth, as it's found in water and all organic matter.
Despite its history hydrogen is safe.
In 1937, Spectators at a New Jersey airfield discovered -- to their horror -- that hydrogen is flammable, as the airship "Hindenburg" exploded.
Despite the fact that hydrogen is less flammable than petrol, dangerous in large quantities, especially when in the combustible material that is buried up inflatable segment "Hindenburg".
Modern blimps have switched to helium.
When they finally head to other planets in our solar system, we have an almost limitless supply of hydrogen gas.
All four of the outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; everything past the asteroid belt have abundant hydrogen gas in their atmospheres.
Pure hydrogen gas does not exist on Earth.
Well, not in one of the parts of the world, many of us have access to.
Even though it's the most abundant element in the universe, and it's a gas in its most common form, hydrogen gas on Earth only exists on the highest layers of the atmosphere, because it's so light.
Liquid hydrogen could be the future of alternative fuels.
Economists and scientists use the term "hydrogen economy" to describe the time when a substantial amount of our energy needs will be met by hydrogen.
Liquid hydrogen is good for gardening.
Along with helium, it's one of the two primary elements the sun uses to create heat and light.
This helps grow your petunias.

Hydrogen doesn't pollute.  It was produced only by a car on hydrogen fuel cell water.

Hydrogen is simple.
With only one proton and one electron, is in fact the simplest element in the periodic table.

What Are Atoms Like

Except for the fact that the atom is so small, and the sun and the planets so huge, they are much alike.
In this centre are one or more particles called protons.
Revolving around this centre, or nucleus, are particles of negative electricity called electrons.
It takes 1,845 electrons to weigh as much as one proton.
You may have seen how this works with two magnets.
Touch the positive end of one magnet to the negative end of another and they will cling together; but two negative ends, or two positive ends, will not stay together.
Every atom has exactly as many protons as electrons, so that the positive and the negative balance each other.
All other atoms are heavier than hydrogen, having two or more protons in their nuclei.
For example, the atomic number of hydrogen is 1.
There is still another particle that goes to make up the atom.
A neutron weighs about the same as a proton, but it does not have any electrical charge at all, either positive or negative.
Neutrons add to the weight of the atom.
Different atoms of the same element are called isotopes.
The uranium atom always has 92 protons is its nucleus, but one of its isotopes, called U-238, has 146 neutrons (146 neutrons + 92 protons = 238), while the isotope called U-235 has 143 neutrons in its nucleus ( 143 + 92 = 235).
A stable element is composed of atoms that do not rapidly throw off their particles, their protons, neutrons, and electrons- in the form of rays.
The heavier elements are often unstable.
This is explained in the articles on atomic energy and radio activity.
They never succeeded, but today it is possible to change some elements into other elements by changing the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in them.
This is very hard to do, because the forces binding the particles together are very great.

The Basic Structure Of Atom

While we are on earth, the terms MASS and WEIGHT reflect the same thing.
It's been said that if you want to lose weight, go to the moon.
For our purposes in this article, the terms MASS and WEIGHT will be used interchangeably, since we are on earth.
There are a little more than 100 known elements, and they are listed in the Periodic Table.
For example, water is made up of two ELEMENTS, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

All atoms have a NUCLEUS, with ELECTRONS zooming around it.

The NUCLEUS contains most of the MASS, or WEIGHT, of the atom.
The number of PROTONS in each type of atom is always the same.
Helium atoms always have two PROTONS.
All Nitrogen atoms have seven PROTONS, etc.
This number is called the ATOMIC NUMBER.
Helium's ATOMIC NUMBER is 2.
Nitrogen's ATOMIC NUMBER is 7, etc.
Helium atoms sometimes have 2 NEUTRONS and others have 3 NEUTRONS.
Nitrogen atoms sometimes have 7 NEUTRONS and others have 8 NEUTRONS, etc.

If you add up the number of PROTONS and the calculated average of NEUTRONS in an atom, you will get the ATOMIC MASS, or ATOMIC WEIGHT, or MASS NUMBER.
If you look on a Periodic Table, you will see that the MASS NUMBER of Helium is 4.
The ATOMIC WEIGHT of Nitrogen is 14.
The reason they are not whole numbers is because of what we discussed in the previous paragraph the number of NEUTRONS is a calculated average.
NEUTRONS have no electrical charge, they are neutral.
In an electrically neutral atom, the number of ELECTRONS and the number of PROTONS are the same, balancing it out to make it neutral.
ELECTRONS zoom around outside the nucleus in orbitals and take part in chemical reactions.
They do not take part in chemical reactions.

Effects Of Health

When the contact of businesses however is not based on commitment to the common good and especially when affects the health of a nation it becomes destructive and dangerous.
North Americans, Europeans and other industrialized nations consume 40% of their daily calories, average 2500 calories, in the form of fats and oils.

America only for the consumption of fats and oils is more than 12 million tons annually.
As far back as in 2000 producers expected to sell more than 85 million tones, bringing in more than 90 billion dollars.
With large quantities and profits at stake fat and edible oil industry has a strong political and economic lobbies in order to develop to protect their profits, although the health benefits of some of these products is questionable and even dangerous.

However, everyone should be aware of the risk posed by consuming foods with too much saturated fat, Trans fat, and cholesterol.
But what is trans fat, and how to best eliminate or reduce this fat in your diet? Oil breakdown emit an unpleasant odor and taste reduce the double bonds of fatty acids.
Natural oils exposed to ultraviolet light, oxygen and or heat become with time rancid.
The use of a common process called hydrogenation comes to their rescue in drastically changing natural oils to an unspoiled substance that could last forever; trans fatty acids.
It is however; very important to understand and be well-informed how hydrogenated oil molecules can affect human health.
Fatty acids are common part of most lipids both those in the body and in foods.
Fat is a lipid that is solid at room temperature.
Oil is one that is liquid at room temperature.
Both are lipids.
Fatty acids are grouped by the type of double bonds between carbon atoms.
Saturated fatty acids have no double bonds, monounsaturated fatty acids have one double bond and polyunsaturated fatty acids have two or more double bonds.
Saturated fats are very stable and have a high degree of resilience    oxidation.
They are mostly solid at room temperature.
Polyunsaturated fats, which are missing several pairs of hydrogen atoms, are very unstable and highly reactive to oxidation even at room temperature.
Certain polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential parts of our diet because our bodies need them but don't produce them.
They are used by the body to make structural components of cell membranes and take part in many biochemical reactions and biological functions.
However, the desire to solidify these types of oils for commercial-financial purposes has lead to hydrogenation.
This process changes their shape from cis to trans with important effects on the physical properties and functions of the molecules.
This produces a more solid fat, approaching that for saturated fatty acids.
These hydrogenated vegetable oils and shortenings are used extensively in processed foods and fast foods as they provide greater resilience to oxidation and therefore longer shelf-lives.

Trans fats are an increasing health concern for some time since the amounts in a typical North American diet have increased markedly.
Hydrogenation produces dozens of other non-natural chemicals many of which have never been studied to determine their effects on human health.
Margarine contribute almost 20% of the total TFA intake in the North American diet, with the remaining coming from a number of other foods often contain up to 50% of the total fat as FTA.
The hydrogenation plants of our modern food industry may turn out to have contributed to the causation of a major disease.
 The problem with trans fats is that while the chemically active part is altered due to hydrogenation the part that gets attached to the cell wall remained unchanged.
Repeating the process over long periods of time it will affect human health.

Partial hydrogenation has been used commercially since 1930 supplying unnatural fat products to our food.
When hydrogenation takes place we end up with a product that has almost all of its essential nutrients removed or destroyed.

Hydrogenated vegetable oils are used extensively in foods such as chips, cookies, fries, and pastry.
It is astonishing how many products you will find that contain partially hydrogenated oils when you start reading food labels in your local supermarket.
Media frequently covers the subject and information is beginning to penetrate the public consciousness.
The human body needs moderate amounts of dietary fats to function properly.
Using them correctly to meet our body's needs offer many health benefits.
The National Academy of Sciences-Institute of Medicine, has said there is no safe amount of trans fat in our diet.
Researchers found that women who received 2% of their daily calories from trans fats were 70% to 100% more likely to suffer infertility due to lack of ovulation.
Jorge Chavarro said.
They retain more of the beneficial nutrients and health promoting qualities.
They do not keep forever and will go rancid.
For starters, read food labels and avoid anything that contains the words "hydrogenated".
Some of the foods labeled as trans-fat free are not.
When it says No trans fat, by law it may contain half a gram or more per serving.
A few servings a day and you could find yourself in dangerous ground.
Whenever possible substitute one of the natural unsaturated vegetable oils, in recipes calling for margarine or other products that are known to contain trans fats.
Knowing that unsaturated fatty acids become rancid relatively quickly, to combat instability, manufacturers began to hydrogenate them.
Subjected to hydrogenation the new type of fatty acid formed, trans fatty acid, is cheaper and longer lasting but unnatural.
With time larger and larger amounts of trans fats have been added to the typical diet to the point they have become a real health concern.

The best oils are unrefined cold pressed or mechanically expelled without solvents, natural oils.
They must be stored in containers that can protect them from light, oxygen and heat and they must be consumed fresh.
Scientific evidence has shown that small amount of trans fats over long periods of time having a significant effect on human health.
In July 2003.
FDA issued a final rule requiring manufacturers to list Trans fats on a separate line, following the listing of saturated fats on nutrition labels.

Atomic Mass Chemistry

Scientists succeeded when, through the work of Amedeo Avogadro, they were able to define a relative atomic mass unit and develop a relative scale to determine the relative atomic masses for all the elements.
Many experiments have shown his statement to be workable within 2% and it is now known as Avogadro's Law.
Assuming that hydrogen was the smallest element, the relationship between carbon and hydrogen was used to define a relative atomic mass unit.

Scientists arbitrarily assigned hydrogen the relative atomic mass of 1 amu since it is the smallest element and defined an atomic mass unit "amu" as 1/12 the mass of a carbon atom.

Now, nineteenth century scientists could work with the atomic masses of elements without specialized tools because of a mathematical relationship that led to the creation of a relative unit and scale.
On this scale on, if l oxygen is sixteen times larger than the hydrogen atom of mass 16 amu.
If sodium is twenty three times the mass of hydrogen then its atomic mass is 23 amu and so on.
The masses of all elements were calculated from this relationship.
Thus, creating a relative atomic mass scale.
Today scientists are able to measure the masses of atoms with a more direct approach, but its conclusions are very similar to those proposed by the scientists of the nineteenth century.

The modern definition for an atomic mass unit "amu" is exactly 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 isotope.

Steps To Build a Hydrogen Gas Generator

You may not have heard about this amazing yet simple technology that lets you convert your car into a water burning hybrid for under $100, but it's not because it is difficult to do.
No, there are dark forces at work.

To build a hydrogen generator one must simply acquire one of the many DIY guides available on the Internet that base their designs around the universal idea of electrolysis.
A ton of free energy in the water, but the trick is you most likely have heard of hydrogen fuel cell technology and how complicated , expensive and dangerous this technology is.
But we are not talking of pure hydrogen.

If you were to take a glass of water and apply a voltage to it through a set of electrodes, one positive and one negative, you could theoretically pull the water molecule apart into hydrogen and oxygen.

Now hydrogen atoms are different.
But, we don't have to do this to get a burnable fuel.

Basically the droplets of HHO are much smaller and therefore combust more readily increasing efficiency when added to the fuel air mixture you already inject into the engine.

The word is out though.
People are not able to fill their cars with gas because the rising cost of oil, and then sought alternative.

Of course now that the secret of DIY hydrogen generators is out, all they can do is try and discredit the technology.
But is this idea have been working for almost a century, and hydrogen generators have been since the seventies.

Thousands of people all over the world are converting their cars to run on water and improving their gas mileage by 25-75%!

Steps To Build A Hydrogen Generator To Double Your Gas Mileage

In fact it's nearly a century old.
Liquid water consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom composed.
They are held together by invisible forces because one atom has a positive charge, the other a negative.
Together, they can not burn, but if we separate hydrogen atoms from an oxygen atom, we present a gas that has three times more energy is available in the normal compared to gasoline.

This gas is called Brown's gas, named after the famous researcher Yull Brown.
It is of two hydrogen atoms in connection with the composes, an all another and one oxygen atom.

By building a hydrogen generator that has two electrodes, one positive and one negative, submersed in water, when we send electricity through it we should be able to pull the atoms apart.
I recently purchased a guide from the internet that explained how to build and install one myself.
There are actually two guides I found and I bought both, one for $97.

The more expensive book described a system that was easy to build although did not produce as much hydrogen gas as the other model.
The parties were not so easy to find, but once recognized, I had built this thing up and running in a few days.

The other guide was much more complicated to build and some of the parts had to be ordered and were not exactly cheap.

Both designs operated on the same theory that by running electricity through electrodes submerged in water, we could create enough hydrogen gas to mix with regular gasoline and drastically increase the efficiency of combustion causing the engine to use less gas, run cooler, smoother and quieter.
After running my car for a few months, I saw a 30% increase in the mileage of gas.
I later bought a component that affects the oxygen sensor thus allowing the full benefit of my generator and I'm now operating at 50% increased gas mileage.
The other 80% is used up in heat and unburned fuel.

This blatant waste of fuel is then sent to the catalytic converter to get rid of the evidence by cooking away the unburned fuel.

Molecules And Atoms

Atom and the mechanisms of how particles behave and other materials are proposed for thousands of years.
Especially in the last few centuries, however, these models have been constantly improved and specified.
In the following sections, a cross-section of these developments will be presented, what all the way to our current model of the atom, together with all laws, which are described to control the behavior.

The first model of matter which included elements and atoms was proposed in ancient times.
The Greek philosopher Leucippus (ca. 500-400 B. C. ) And his student Democritus (c. 460-370 B. C.) Were the first to describe the matter in our world as a set of atoms from Greek: indivisible.
Their theory was based on the idea that if any body is divided into its smallest constituent parts, at some point the parts are so small that they can no longer be divided.
You used the word to describe this material yet indivisible.
According to this theory, atoms are small bodies which are not able to be divided.
The atoms of different materials must differ in composition and size.
The characteristics of materials must therefore be determined by differences in their individual atoms: differences in their size, grouping and mutual arrangement.
All beginning of the 19th Century, the Greek model of the atom has been extended and specified by J.
Dalton (1766-1844).
According to his theory, the elements are composed of small particles called atoms that are different, the materials in their mass and size.
During chemical reactions, atoms themselves remain unchanged.
Of course, the number and position of individual atoms in the compound reagent has to change.
They are combined in certain proportions, only to change those combinations and proportions during a reaction.
In the most advanced models of atoms, the atoms and electrons of a core composed.

The atom, of course, is composed of elementary particles.
At the core of an atom are neutrons (no charge) and positively charged protons.
Atoms of the same element always contain the same amount of protons.
Only the number of neutrons can be a little different (in isotopes).
Isotopes are actually different atoms of the same element differing only in the number of neutrons they contain and their atomic weight.
Otherwise, the isotopes of an element usually have the same chemical and physical properties such as    element itself.

The average atomic nucleus is relatively small compared to the atom itself, but it makes up the greatest part of an atom's mass.
The mass of protons and neutrons has been referred to by its number 1.
The number of protons in an atom determines its atomic number.
This number is also used to symbolize    atom or element of the periodic table of elements.
(hydrogen (H)=1, Helium (He)=2), etc.
Electrons negatively charged particles revolve around the nucleus of an atom in electronic orbitals, designated areas where they can be found.
Their mass is relatively small - 1 / 1836 the mass of protons and neutrons.
There is the same amount of electrons as the number of protons in the nucleus.
For this reason, every atom in its natural state, neutral.

Atoms can lose one or more of their electrons.
If they do, they are positively charged.
Or, atoms can gain electrons, which makes them negatively charged.
When an atom loses electrons or gains, it is called an ion.
The outer reaches of an atom, its shell, away from the inner nucleus and where electrons are found, makes up the greatest part of its size.
This area is mostly empty space.
Electrons move in certain designated areas around the atomic nucleus.
Some electrons are closer screened internal orbital, or electron to the nucleus of another.
Others are further away from the nucleus outer orbital electrons.
The nucleus of an atom does not change during a chemical reaction.
For this reason, it does not appear to be very important.
Of course, the electrons of an atom determine its chemical behavior usually these external orbital electrons.

The energy of a specific electron is defined with the help of both letters and numbers, according to the orbital where the electron is found.
Of great importance is the removal of an electron from the nucleus.
The exact placement of an atom's electrons at any one time is impossible to determine, because location and direction of an individual electron are not able to be calculated the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
The more we try to determine the specific position of an electron, is determined the less accurate our ability, the direction.
Why? Because it is impossible to tell which direction that electron will move in the moment we have determined its location.
Unfortunately, only the probability of an electron, where you will be charged.
On the other hand, if we know the direction an electron is moving, its exact location becomes impossible to locate.
The limitation of space, more simply called in which an electron has a certain energy can be found more likely to atomic orbital.


Because atoms and their electrons cannot be directly investigated, reality at the atomic level is more or less unknown.
From the atomic properties that can be observed, however, the atomic models are made.
The accuracy of these models is seen in their ability to explain certain phenomena.
Often, these extremely small particles have features not customary in the macro world we live in.
Electrons themselves are capable of a certain principle of duality as is light: the duality of waves and particles.
This means that on the one hand, an electron as a particle beam, a bit of act    like a ray gun.
On the other hand, electrons also show a purely wave-like character.
Electrons are not all others, as these are two contradictory characteristics.
Yet we need both concepts to be able to describe an electron's behaviour.
Light wave-like atom model comes from the mechanical description of the outer shell of the atom and the properties of the wave function.

Quantum numbers

In the atomic model of Niels Bohr Danish physicist, an electron cloud swarms around the nucleus of an atom.
The electrons can move only at certain orbital around the nucleus.
The individual orbitals represent a certain amount of energy.
All electrons in an orbital can be seen as the same amount of energy.

The energy of an electron is given by a quantum number n.
The higher the number, the more energy it contains an electron, and so far from the center.

When an electron is excited to a more distant orbital from the nucleus, one with a higher energy, a certain energy must be added to the electron a quantum.
When an electron moves from a higher energy level of orbital to an orbital of low energy, closer to the core, l    energy accounts must be in the form of radiation heat, light, or in the form of a different kind of energy Electromagnetic.
With the help of the main quantum number, we are able to figure the maximum number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom.
The number of electrons an atom can be represented by the formula 2n2, where n is the principal quantum number can be more recent atomic models use other quantum numbers to describe an atom and its electrons.
A secondary quantum number, as I intended, represents the spin of an electron or its angular momentum.
That means its geometric spatial orientation.
This quantity is very important for explaining the disposition of certain chemical bonds in the atoms of a compound.

The energy of a specific electron is defined mainly by the main quantum number n, and to a lesser degree by its secondary quantum number l.
From the position of the energy levels of an electron from its orbit where electron moves, relative to external magnetic field, the magnetic quantum number m also called the quantum number of the direction can be determined.
According to the value of m, orbitals can be divided on the basis of their energy.
C is an s-orbital spherically arranged symmetrically around the center, three p orbitals see the link as three projecting from the core and at their centers and pointed in three directions, five d-orbitals four-sheet structures between p-orbitals and seven f orbitals.
Within the individual types s, p, d, f are individual orbitals of the same energy.
If we take the electron to a small particle, we can imagine that it rotates on its axis, left or right.
The direction of its rotation is termed its spin, and is determined by the quantum number s, for spin.
With the help of these four quantum numbers, each electron can be described accurately.

Stable electron orbitals

The assignment of electrons to their individual orbitals is termed electron configuration.
According to the Pauli principle "Swiss-American physicist" are not more than two electrons in orbit at a particular time.

Orbitals are occupied by electrons from lowest energy orbital to highest energy orbital in the order s, p, d, f.
First, a certain energy of each orbital occupied by one electron.
Then, an orbital of opposite spin moves into an orbital to join the first electron.
Once filled, there are two electrons in an orbital completely.
The two electrons are called an electron pair.
Single electrons are called unpaired electrons.
In each element of the main group, all s and p orbitals are filled gradually, as electrons are added.
For the elements of other groups are the d-orbitals filled.

Ionisation energy

Electrons have a certain amount of energy associated with them, and this energy determines their distance from the nucleus.
If energy is added to an electron, an electron to increase its distance from the nucleus, or even to escape from the nucleus.
In the latter case, an atom becomes a positively charged ion.
The amount of energy needed for an electron to leave called atomic ionization.
Therefore, the ionisation energy necessary to free an electron in an outer orbital from an atom is less than for an electron which is closer to the nucleus.
The density of an element is a number on the way the question about an item, where organized around its atoms, on average.
The density of different elements can only be compared given the same volume.
The density is a function of both mass and volume.

Density units are often given as kg/m3 or g/cm3.
The density of a number of materials are contained in Tables.

At first glance, many elements share a number of characteristics.
A comparison of most of these features, like color, state of matter (solid, liquid, gas), l smell, l  flammability and density so that a substance can be distinguished from a more.
When substances characteristics are compared and contrasted, they can be divided into groups.
The main groups that have to do with chemistry: acids, bases, oxides, salts, metals, hydrocarbons and polymers materials with a large number of atoms that their models are repeated at regular intervals.

Molecules and Moles

The smallest possible chemical unity is formed by the union of a number of atoms - a compound - also called a molecule.

In chemistry, we use the variable "n" very often as a measure of the amount of a certain substance.
We can imagine this amount of a substance as a chemical dozen, an even unit, so to speak.
And just as a dozen or 12, a mole is always a number of particles.
Of course, this number is more than 12, because of the minute size of atoms and molecules.
It would be difficult to count in multiples of 12.

One mole is given as 6.
This seemingly arbitrary amount of particles is actually based on a chemical truth, using carbon chemical symbol C, because this element plays one of, if not the, most important role in chemistry.
Why is the number of smallest particles so important in chemistry? The answer to this question has to do with the nature and types of chemical reactions.
For example, water is actually the combination, or a compound, of two atoms, two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

In the laboratory, a chemist cannot determine the amount of a substance by deduction, or by some type of instinct.
The quotient of a certain amount of mass "m" and an amount of substance "n" is given by the molar mass "M", with the unit number of grams per one mole.
Molar mass is the sum of the mass of individual atoms in a molecule.
Atomic masses are easily attainable, from the periodic table of the elements.
(Hydrogen (H) 1g/mol, helium (He) 4 g / mol, lithium (Li) 7g/mol, beryllium (Be) 9 g / mol, etc..).
See the periodic table of atomic masses for more.

The molar mass of water (H2O) is 18 grams per mole: 1g/mol for each hydrogen atom (H) and 16 g/mol for the one oxygen atom (O).
The amount of particles corresponding to 1 mole of water is 6.
10 23 molecules of water.
The variable masses of individual molecules is a function of the bonding capabilities of those molecules' constituent atoms, and their atomic masses.
If during a chemical reaction a compound, or other products of that reaction have less mass than the original reactant materials, most likely one of the products is not easily detectable - possibly an invisible, odourless gas, or some other byproduct of the reaction.
When scientists compare the exact quantity of reactant materials to the weight of all goods is the same amount is always present on both sides.
Matter is neither created nor destroyed; it can only change form.
A mixture of a solid material is dissolved in a liquid that these mixtures can be measured by their volumes.
Liquid amount of material in the same volume of solution from a dissolved mixture to country, but to determine the amount of a dissolved substance in a solution, we use the chemical formula concentration (symbol: c), a measure of its variable "strength".
Substance concentration is indicated as the concentration of a substance in solution.
We call this amount of solution a one molar solution of carbon, and abbreviate it as 1 M.
The mass of the dissolved substance is calculated from the necessary material mass and mass of one mole of the material.

For example, for a 1 molar solution of table salt we need 58.
5 g salt in 1 liter of water.
Table salt is made of one part sodium and one part chlorine.
The chemical formula of this compound is NaCl.
The mass of one mole of NaCl is 58.
5 g, with sodium (Na) has a molecular weight of 23 g and chlorine (Cl) with an atomic mass 35.
5 g.
5 = 58.
The mass of one mole is easily attainable from the periodic table of the elements.
That is, a 1 molar solution does not guarantee that there is 1 liter of solution.
In our example with table salt, then, rather than use 58.
5 g NaCl in 1 liter of water, d   we could just as easily use 29.
25 g of NaCl with 0.
5 liters of water or 117 g of salt with 2 quarts of water.

Chemical symbols

Substances and chemical reactions can be denoted in a simple and straightforward way in chemistry.
A system of symbols, abbreviations and chemical formulas are used and these are all internationally recognized - thanks to a committee of international experts who agreed these symbols.
At first, however, somewhat abstract symbols were used.
Today's system was introduced by J.
Berzeliem "Swedish chemist 1779-1848".

Elements are made up of small particles of one and only one kind.
In some elements, atoms combine in their natural state, in twos or even more, to form a compound of the given element.
In this case, atoms of one element joined tightly, and hence greater chemical stability.
We call these combinations molecules and molecular substances.
The molecules are often the smallest components gaseous or liquid.
For example, atoms of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen are always joined together, in pairs, two each.
There are molecules, but which are of different elements.
The compound " water " is made of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen.
In the language of chemical symbols, an element symbol is often combined with these numbers, and is called a chemical formula.
 And, after each element symbol, the number of atoms of that element contained in the compound is given.
Ones, as in one atom of an element, are understood, and therefore not written, as in the chemical formula of water, H2O, understood as two atoms of hydrogen, and one atom of oxygen.

The formula of a compound characterises the material it represents and denotes its constituent elements, the elements it is made of.
At the level of individual particles, the formula represents a molecule and gives the sum of the atoms in the molecule, and their relationship to each other.
The ratio of the number of individual atoms in a molecule can be calculated for example with the help of the mass ratio of the individual elements and their atomic masses.
Stoichiometry says that the atoms in a compound each other in relationships that you invariably.

1. Dalton's Law: The relationship between the masses of the two elements that are bound together in a molecule can be given as the ratio of one integer to another.

2. The law of consistent proportions: Elements combine together in certain specific ratios of masses or in whole number amounts.
The true chemical formula of a number of compounds can be determined rather simply, however, if we know the bonding possibilities of individual elements they are valence.
For example, once we know the bonding possibilities of an element, we can figure out quickly how many hydrogen atoms could conceivably bond to it.
For example: in water "H2O" one oxygen atom "O" bonds with two hydrogen atoms "H" and therefore has a valence of 2.
In the chemical bond, or elements of their atoms are united not only in whole numbers, but their mass ratios also remain constant.
For example, in the chemical reaction of iron "Fe" se sulfur "S" iron sulfide "FeS" is formed.
The relationship between the number of individual atoms is 1:1.
The ratio of masses of the individual atoms is determined from the atomic masses of sulphur and iron, and is 1.

Hydrogen Tips

Hydrogen embrittlement is a problem associated with high-strength fasteners.
This can cause the fasteners or parts under stress to fail suddenly without any warning.
I read a lot about this subject and there are many theories about the exact cause.
I would only like to give you a brief overview of the subject.
I am not a scientist or engineer, so can not say I understand the phenomenon.

Hydrogen embrittlment can occur any time atomic hydrogen is absorbed in the fastener and retained.
The most common way this happens is through the process of galvanic.

The hydrogen can be absorbed during the cleaning or descaling process and then is trapped by the plating.
The most common way to relieve the hydrogen is by boiling.
This is thought to relieve the hydrogen trapped inside the part.

It is trapped so it cannot migrate and cause further cracks.
It is believed that the faster the pieces baked after plating of relief that they experience more.

The window seems to be four hours.
If the pieces after the four hours Koch were absorbed hydrogen may have already begun, the cracks.
The baking will not remove cracks already started, the fastener would most likely fail.
As how end users of fasteners can hydrogen be controlled? I would say is the easiest way to avoid plating high-strength fasteners.
There are now many companies offering different chemical and organic coatings.
Many of these coatings provide superior corrosion resistance.

You could also choose to mechanically plate the parts.
Of course, for many of us this is not an option.
Electroplating is very efficient and economical.
We have to think very carefully about how we should drive these products and always be sure that it is responsible for the coating company.
The fasteners must be baked properly within a correct time frame.
Another important process in order to be sure to test the parts when I returned from tackler.
This will hopefully guarantee the parts are safe and ready for use.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Information On How To Build Hydrogen Generators? You Must Save Thousands Of Dollars

If you ask me what is the best thing to do now.
Well, i would suggest you to first get the HHO gas car kit attached to your car to burn water.
There are a lot of informations available on the Internet to your question "How to burn your car water?".
I did build my own kit and it cost me around $120.
Every cent spent was worth to me, I call it money well spent.

We are not actually aiming for completely using water alone for the car, instead trying to make the car use the conventional fuel efficiently by supplementing it with water.
You should have a detailed step by step instructions, a clear picture of what must be done.
 But if you want an outline of the procedure involved, well, here you have it:

1. Connect a liter jug of large container for car, filled with the optimal level of water.
Have couple of teaspoons baking soda put into it.
Steel electrodes were inserted into them, which are connected to the car battery for current.

2. Well, if the power break the water molecules to form what is known as brown gas containing particles of atomics known as hydrogen gas.
This is then sucked into by the engine manifold with the help of vacuum.
There are no changes required to the computer or the structure as a whole drive.

3. You are in a surprise increase of 50 to 100% of fuel consumption when you have a heater and the fuel transfer device with the oxygen sensor for it. I do not think there is still the best mileage out there.

There are thousands who have reacted to the demanding situation immediately, smart decisions are smart when taken quickly.
Fuel prices go to hurt landmark day by day and therefore it is an effective way to manage these.
Just get How to build a hydrogen generator guide and its already time.
Start working on it.

Yes To Hydrogen Fuel Cells Running A Car

The concept of renewable energy for your car is old and in fact, while the most significant advances yet to be conventional, there are several methods available in the market, you run into a car with the maximum efficiency of hydrogen fuel cell guide.
While using water to run a car involves the decomposition of water into its constituent atoms, hydrogen runs on a different mechanism altogether and is commonly used in many prototype machines and cars around the world.
While oil and diesel, in fact, played an important role in changing the face of human life and infrastructure, fuel prices can only mean that it is time to say goodbye to gasoline.
Besides, conventional fuel is also a major polluting agent and with the current stock of petrol good enough to last only the next fifty odd years, the time is ripe to send it to its retirement home.
In the current scenario, a specific alternative that looks the way output is without doubt the logical use of fuel cells.
Fuel cells do not run on the principle of combustion and given Hydrogen's calorific value, they yield far greater productivity with the same amount of fuel with lesser pollution.
Liquid hydrogen is the fuel of the universe from time memorial and have enormous potential for future development.
Fuel cells run on the simple principle of using molecular hydrogen in conventional fuel, splitting and converting membranes to produce electricity that may be used as fuel.
This brings me to other questions about how to create the hydrogen when you are in need.
Hydrogen is generated by a simple decomposition of water molecules by electricity before letting it react with fuel cells that produce electricity that in turn keeps the car running.
The total cost of this procedure is actually quite cheap and the performance of the car or the vehicle is not affected in any way what so ever.

Preparing a hydrogen car with water fuel cell is a simple procedure and so be over within a couple of hours.
A person technically inclined or a mechanic, he can do with simple tools.
There is no need to mess with the basic functionality of the vehicle and only a simple tweaking is needed to get your car running.
You do not have to do with the car or change the engine computer and it works great with a few tweaks here and there.
On the addition of a fuel line heater and a small device, you can crank up the mileage by a massive 70-80% giving you extra petrol to the bugs.
Liquid whole hydrogen car is not changed does not cost a bomb and can be equated with an extremely functional electric car with no emissions.
While the conventional fuel car guzzles out poisonous gases and Carbon Dioxide as by products, this alternative to gas car give water as an end product and gives exceptional miles to the litre.
While there are many false guides are ready to bag under the pretext of a tour is it an undeniable fact that this technique can only be proved with simple optimizations, such as from many.

Running Your Car With Water - Steps To Build A Hydrogen Generator

You can run your car with water and start to build a hydrogen generator.
Sure, it may sound like a complicated tool, but the ease of creation is much easier than you believe.
In fact - once built it, you'll probably want to build on - build a business that has high demand for stuff! All my personal life, I loved to build things, fix things, and even go so far as the repair of electrical equipment.
I was actually looking forward to the challenge of building a hydrogen generator for my car because it would be a complex challenge.
I was disappointed - this thing is so easy to build, through my years to fix things, this was one of the easiest things to build.
I was able to get all the products from my local Ace's Hardware store for under $100.
This has an incredible investment, considering how much money he has saved me hours.
The gas mileage on my car has almost doubled.
This is an amazing phenomenon, and I was surprised that oil companies have not jumped on this technology.

At first, I thought this technology would be damaging to my car.
Cars should run on the water - to run on gasoline.
Water can ruin my car, right? Wrong! In actuality it made my car run much more smoothly.
All I had to do is with a specially designed container in force, running water and some baking soda, tachometer, the car and watch my car much more easily and in my car, cheaper and more efficient.
The pollution in the air is significantly reduced by using this revolutionary knowledge.
By creating a mixture of hydrogen and atomic-MON-atoms and oxygen atoms could HHO gas issue and use it with my engine - and therefore much more efficient.

This is technology that has been around for a while.
In fact, this model is simple, since it is much more complex models that are much harder to construct.
However, with this model - even if you work extremely slow; you'll be able to build it in under a week.
Another advantage is hidden with the IRS.
After using this technology - they'll actually have to owe you money for saving the society from pollution.

Convert Your Engine By Running On Water With The Help Of Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Achieve more with prices of gasoline and diesel new records almost every week, the leaders from around the world are crazy for ways to reduce the fuel bill.
A very popular and powerful way to save money on fuel bills is to convert your engine to run on water by adding a hydrogen fuel cell to it.
But what is a hydrogen fuel cell? How does it work? burning efficiency of the engine with a device   ";; add a hydrogen fuel cell for your engine just by means of improving water as fuel.
Of course, you can't really put water into your car's gas tank - that would destroy your engine.
But can the chemical properties of water in the fuel in the gas surcharge.
The fuel cell separates water into its basic atoms hydrogen and oxygen.
Liquid hydrogen is the main thing here - it is an ideal power source for your car, truck, SUV.
A hydrogen fuel cell adds to separated hydrogen atoms to your engine's air intake system.
The hydrogen atoms are then gasoline vapors into the combustion chambers of the engine mixed.
Gasoline vapors with added hydrogen are richer than plain gasoline vapors, and will create enhanced combustion, which will create more power in your engine.
More power - more miles per gallon - and less of your money went to the gas company. Some time ago it was incredibly expensive to a hydrogen fuel cell for your gas or diesel-add - Motor Shops Ultra-High-tech, specially trained mechanics, etc..
Money, money, money!   But today, you can add a hydrogen fuel cell to your engine and convert your car to run on water for - are you ready? - less than $200! Then you can start saving 50% or more on what you've been giving to the oil companies.
Take to think a minute that.
What are you forced into spending on gas now? If you could save half of that (or more!), how soon would you "pay yourself back" for adding a hydrogen fuel cell to your engine?   If you have been spending $100 each week on gas, 50% savings ($50 per week) could cover your hydrogen fuel cell conversion costs in a month or less.
If you're one of those people whose heating costs are closer to $$$ per week, you could break even on a fuel cell in two weeks - and then just start saving bag stolen!.

Hydrogen Fuel Kits A Mileage Maker

Hydrogen conversion kits break up the water molecules into a gas named as oxyhydrogen or simply brown gas.
Hydrogen conversion kits are yet in their formative years, but are available now, and their effectiveness is undeniable.
There are many good offers for hydrogen fuel cars kits, such as the Mileage Maker hydrogen conversion kit.
Our electrolyzing hydrogen and oxygen generator splits the gases in H2O (water)through the input of unused electrical capacity from your alternator.

Mileage Maker generators simply allow you to tap into that excess capacity and uses the energy to split the electrolyte into combustible gases.
The MileageMaker produces hydrogen and oxygen from water in a volume ratio of approximately 2000 to 1.

Post-1996 gasoline engines with Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) will have O2 sensors mounted in the exhaust manifold or just in front of the catalytic converter.
Many V-6 and V-8 engines will have two O2 sensors.

What Do You Think About Hydrogen As A Fuel Cell?

Hydrogen is familiar to many people as one of the periodic table elements.
Though hydrogen is still not a main source of fuel currently, there is promising study and results proving its efficiency.

There are actually two different ways that hydrogen can be used as fuel.
Water cars are a whole field of promising study all on their own.
The other method of using hydrogen is by combustion.
Of course because hydrogen is not a toxic fossil fuel, the emissions are not at all the same.
They had planned to do so but that plan was later dropped.
Hydrogen may not be quite ready for the mass market.
Like many other auto makers, those currently remain the two leading fossil fuel alternatives when it comes to green cars.
It is unlikely that it would be a worthy investment for either manufacturers or consumers, especially when other options are available at a lower cost.
The fact that hydrogen has to be made also makes it more difficult to obtain.
There is also plenty more research that still needs to be done on hydrogen before we can take full advantage of it globally.
Hydrogen is very hard to store in its natural form and instead has to be converted to a liquid form which requires a lot of energy.
Hydrogen certainly has its advantages which should be explored further.

Where Is Hydrogen Money?

This is not due to a lack of experience by manufacturers in the production of Hydrogen fuel cells, or vehicles that run on them.
Hydrogen fuel cells were also used in space by NASA in the 1960s.
A tank of pressurized Hydrogen in many ways the same as a time bomb.

There is also the issue of using electricity to produce Hydrogen in the first place.
Even if this electricity was generated from clean sources such as solar panels, it could be used directly to charge batteries or supply a grid with greater efficiency than for producing Hydrogen.
They can be run on many different fuels, including methanol and ethanol.
These fuels do produce Carbon Dioxide emissions however, though these could be neutralized by use of biofuel crops to produce the fuel in the first place.
Our time would be better spent discussing the serious development of the Ethanol economy.

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Guide

It is no wonder, with gas prices soaring, more and more are installing hydrogen fuel cells on their cars.
The Internet is a cauldron of websites offering their own guides on how to make the fuel cell.

With choices are plenty, how can you tell a quality product from those that are just plain waste of money? Here are 3 important things that you should look out for.
1.There is no point in having the guide choke full of technical terms that ordinary people like you are not familiar with.

2. Clear Diagrams And Pictures

It is always useful to have plenty of graphics to help you understand better how to put the parts together.
That way, you will never end up making a mess of your car engine instead.
This is one way of knowing whether the vendor is legit or is just a fraudster out to grab your hard earned money.

Additionally, look out for any form of guarantee offered by the vendor.

The hydrogen fuel cell is designed to help you save money on gas.
It is better to invest a bit more in a product that works, rather than getting a cheaper one and end up wasting your money when all the product does is make a mess of your car engine.

Therapy Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Aside from fighting and preventing the progression of disease symptoms, this substance is actually produced by the body to distribute adequate amounts of oxygen among cells.
In the past, all we know about hydrogen peroxide is its antiseptic effect on open cuts and wounds.

Orally taken it always comes as a 35 percent food-grade concentrate.
For external use, a 3 percent solutions work fine.
Intravenous solutions are usually administered by medical doctors.
Although the solution is generally safe to use, it still needs to be taken in correct dosage to avoid adverse effects and optimize its healing benefits.
First, it is used as a first aid wood cleansing agent that restores pH balance, particularly on sensitive skin types.
Bacterial and yeast infections are no match to the efficacy of the solution in regaining balance to the body's natural flora.
People with type II diabetes and emphysema may be intravenously administered with the solution.
Its dirt cheap cost will sure keep it on your list of treatment options in curing virtually all types of diseases.
Thankfully, more and more research results are attesting to the beneficial oxidizing action of hydrogen peroxide, providing people with more valid information about its benefits and advantage over other forms of treatment.
Unlike other tools for therapy, the solution is actually not a foreign agent in the body as it is naturally produced by cells to play crucial roles in sustaining normal body system functions.
But while its significant healing and restoring effect on cells and tissues are already proven and established, there are people who are still skeptical about the safety of orally taking it as a treatment regimen.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Hydrogen Fuel

It is considered as a clean energy resource and also one of the most acceptable forms of fuel available today.
One is that it burns in the air and leaves water vapor as residue.
Also, several experts think that hydrogen will very soon replace all types of fuels, including gasoline, diesel, oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear power.

Hydrogen is available in the entire universe and in abundant quantities.
Hydrogen is found in water, and the three parts of our planet is made up of water.
Also, another interesting fact is hydrogen is being used to power space shuttles and to provide electricity on their voyage.

Today, there are hydrogen powered vehicles in the market.
However, in order to produce hydrogen, a great deal of energy is used.
One of the most common methods is to break down compounds that contain hydrogen in huge quantities.
When methane is broken down, it leaves behind just hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

Fuel Prices Going High Why Don't We Go For Hydrogen Cars

Soaring fuel prices have triggered a wave of price increases.
As consumers look for alternative energy vehicles to ease their fuel prices, hydrogen cars are quickly becoming popular.

As the name suggest, hydrogen cars use hydrogen instead of petrol.
Hydrogen fuel cells are one of the most popular alternative forms of renewable energy that is being championed by scientist and environmentalists.
The US Government has already initiated plans for hydrogen fuel cells to become mass produced and the automotive industry in responding in kind.
This means that consumers currently have more options when purchasing a hydrogen car as opposed to other alternatives, such as an electric car.
To further compound the financial savings, hydrogen cars are also designed to have better mileage compared to their gas guzzling counterparts.
This is especially so for motorists who commute frequently.
Some are predicting that fuel prices for hydrogen cars will be up to half the amount currently being spent now.

If these savings don't provide enough incentives to make the switch to alternative energy, keep in mind that the US government is also providing tax rebates for hybrid cars.
Hydrogen cars are currently expensive.
Many gas stations are also not equipped with hydrogen pumps, and this can make refueling troublesome.
This comes at a time when the US economy is particularly weak.
Fortunately, several options are available.
Various home conversion kits are also available that will allow you to run your car on a mixture of gas and water.

Hydrogen Coming Soon?

The technology is no longer theory we are seeing in action.

Many people look past the obstacles too easily, simply hoping for the prize at the end: clean, renewable, cost efficient energy.

Technology is coming along, but the storage of hydrogen is still very difficult.
Retaining enough fuel to provide a car with sufficient range would require that the tanks be under immense pressure (greater than can be obtained currently).
To increase that number, researchers have investigated liquid hydrogen storage.
The ability to maintain liquid hydrogen on a vehicle is still questionable however.
Since hydrogen cannot be harvested from the air, it has to be extracted from compounds on earth.
Methane extraction is currently the most common way to obtain hydrogen, but experts believe that electrolysis will prevail in the future.
Right now the process requires so much electricity, that it is not even practical to use on a large scale.
There is a hydrogen internal combustion engine and a hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicle.
Vehicles powered by fuel cells are still very far off.

Right now the first option is much more likely, however.
As soon as hydrogen can be produced and stored on a large scale, we will certainly see these types of vehicles on the road.
By weight, hydrogen fuel caries more energy than gasoline, so it is a logical move to raise awareness in hopes of using it some day.
It might be a ways off, but anything that can save us $$$ is ok by us.

Hydrogen, Fuel Cells For Your Cleaner Planet

This is partly due to the fact the literature on this subject is either very technical, or written as some form of wishful thinking daydream.
The writer Peter Hoffmann is a promoter of the use of Hydrogen as fuel for more than 30 years.
But is also capable of presenting it in clear accessible terms.
I found this not to be the case, his point of view is clear, the information in this book allows the reader to take an educated stand point of their own.
His views on the energy needed to generate the fuel, transportation, and the further development of the fuel cell itself all have their place in the book.

His analyses on the need to transform our carbon based energy pattern to a more ecological friendly one is clear and not one of those pointing finger kind of analysis that some ecological groups seem to favor.

Hoffmann discusses a rather extensive amount of possibilities for the Fuel Cell in my opinion he is overdoing this a bit.

I'm not sure if on purpose or not but other hydrogen applications and possibilities are a bit overshadowed by this preoccupation.
Most of his intended public will not have energy conversion formula's hard wired in their brain.
Throughout the book he is covering the topics in a past, present and future style.
But the reader that wants to get more in-depth technical and chemical information is by other publications already well provided for.

Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet Peter Hoffmann paints a vivid picture of the possibilities of Fuel Cells and a deeper understanding of the phenomenon Hydrogen and Fuel Cells.

Whiten Your Teeth With The Help Of Hydrogen Peroxide

If you are curious, if the peroxide hydrogen is a great form of tooth whitening? The answer, no it is not, but yes, you can use it sparingly to keep your teeth white.
It has been used widely as a form of prevention of infection and scrapes.

Facts about the drugstore hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening agent

I have been using hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening as part of my weekly oral hygiene maintenance.
I suggest you look for the 3% hydrogen peroxide teeth solution because it is the maximum potency and safe for your health and teeth at the same time.

The process of applying this hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening is simple.
Of course, do not swallow any of the hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening agent, spit out and rinse all of the excess when you are done.
Due to the high reactive nature, it can make your teeth more sensitive and irritate your mouth and gum.
It  is also good for temporary results and can easily break very quickly in contact with oxygen and saliva.
It is also possible that cements and dental amalgams might react with this chemical and leave porous teeth.
Seeking professional teeth whitening solution for best results at the end, you may need some kind of solution for professional white teeth, which can really brighten your teeth look.
There are many great products on the market that act like a pen or lipstick that you can use to make your teeth white in just 15 minutes.

You can also use them everyday before work and any important event.

Need Fuel Make Use Of Hydrogen Gas

Hydrogen can be made cheaply and easily on site anywhere there is a ready source of water and electricity.

How a Hydrogen Plant Works

Hydrogen is not found in any significant quantity as a free gas on Earth.
All that remain now are minute quantities of free hydrogen in the upper atmosphere.
Most hydrogen is locked in Terre form of water.

A hydrogen plant, therefore, makes hydrogen on site by a simple process known as electrolysis.
What this boils down to is simple: when an electric current through water decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen.
The gases are collected, separated, and compressed into liquid form.
And that's all for you! The storage of hydrogen and traffic is the biggest problem that hydrogen is dangerous to store and transport.
Since it liquifies at extremely low temperatures and high pressures, the safety concerns are considerable.
Rather, hydrogen can be used to generate electricity at central power stations which is then used to charge an electric vehicle.
There are some promising developments in cell storage, where the liquid hydrogen is stored in an aerogel foam that is immune to catastrophic failure due to heating or ruptures.

The Benefits of Hydrogen

Hydrogen as a fuel, whether used in fuel cells or simply burned in a combustion engine, are manifold.
Contrast this to the limited petroleum resources we have available, in non-renewable deposits, and all the harmful byproducts of petrochemical combustion.
It seems certain that the hydrogen fuels will one day our cities, vehicles and perhaps even our electronic miniaturized fuel cells produce electricity.
A greener world is not as far off as you may think.

How To Make Hydrogen Fuel?

The hydrogen gas is lighter than air and thus rises into the atmosphere.
Aside from this, hydrogen is found in plants and in animals.
With technical data and specifications, Hydrogen has the highest energy content to a form of fuel in terms of weight.
But on the other hand, it has the lowest energy content by volume.
It used  to handle a very safe gas, since it detonated simply by a dispersal just once buried.

Hydrogen is indeed known to be a carrier of energy.
But it should be made by other substance.
It is a renewable resource that can also be found in the earth's crust.

To know the information on hydrogen fuel how to make, it is very necessary for us to understand that hydrogen does not exist as a gas on earth but rather, it is formed from other elements and to get it, must be separated from them through different processes.

Electrolysis is the process by which hydrogen is split from water.
To save on costs, there are new technologies being made for this.

Hydrogen And Fuel Cell The Next Future Generation?

More specifically, in the form of fuel cells.
Frankly, it is in just about everything, which means it is abundant beyond belief.
This excess energy is of great interest to many in the energy industry, particularly harnessing it.
Most of their focus on hydrogen fuel cell.

The hydrogen fuel cell is based on a unique situation what happens when you make water.
Yes, water.
When hydrogen and oxygen are mixed to make water, the process produces excess energy that can be transformed into electricity.
In theory, it is the perfect energy source.
We have plenty of hydrogen and plenty of oxygen.
So, if this is such a good idea, why don't we all have hydrogen cars and so on? Well, there are a number of problems.
While hydrogen is abundant and all around us, it is not in a form we can use.
Separating it from those elements is inefficient and currently takes more energy to do than the hydrogen produced actually supplies.

Ah, but there is another large problem we have to overcome.
While the creation produces water in excess of energy, it does much.
Current fuel cell designs and materials are simply not up to the task.
A hydrogen fuel cell currently produces only one or two volts of energy.
For example, it would take at least six of them to produce the equivalent energy of a 9 volt battery.
Obviously this is not enough.
If we are going to see the fuel cell become a viable energy mechanism, technology is going to have to drastically improve.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Why would they do this? Well, the company that figures out the solution first is going to be slightly rich and slightly popular.

Know What Is Hydrogen Power

We can say that it is the most underused one as well.
A lot of people around the world are using hydrogen power as a valuable source of energy.
You can even save the environment as this source of energy is eco-friendly.
Also in this article we will talk about this issue in detail.

The benefits of hydrogen power are immense.
However, it is necessary to avoid the negative points, and first of all, let us talk about its advantages.
Advantages One of the main advantages of  hydrogen power is that it is very harmful to the environment.
It is found in abundance and is quite popular worldwide.
It is much more efficient than gasoline or any other fuel.
So, you can easily depend on it as a source of energy.


Due to the lack of technological research, the use of this power on a large-scale is not possible.
Hydrogen is the simplest element of all but still it's a mystery for most of the people.
Hydrogen is highly flammable.
Therefore, it could be a bit of problem for you.
One important thing is you have to remember that the storage of  hydrogen in gas form it is fairly easy, compared to its liquid form.
So, you need to store it in gaseous form only.
Otherwise you could end up losing your money.

Water is the only byproduct of hydrogen power.
You can mix hydrogen and oxygen together in form of HHO gas which can be used in cars to save on gas.

If you want you can easily set up an HHO gas generator in your car.
But you need to make sure that you consult an expert in this regard.
It can really increase your car's mileage and help you save some money while you are out on long drives.
Before the decision for such systems is essential for the implementation of a comprehensive online search.
It would certainly allow you to know this system better.
Do not forget to go through this argument, at least once.
It could certainly be of great help and guidance to you.
Have fun.
You need to recommend this wonderful source of energy to your friends and relatives as well.

Magnesium Hydride Is Closer To The Light of Hydrogen Storage Tanks

In the late eighteenth century Lavoisier isolated and identified a new gas, which was by the reaction water, some with a strong reduction of the power of metal such as iron and magnesium acidified.
This reaction is known today as the "hydrolysis".
Later, the famous French chemist, that the combustion (oxidation) of the new gas-water of new products, which to a name used: l hydrogen.
Finally, with his colleague Pierre Laplace, he was able to determine, using an ice calorimeter, the heat of combustion of hydrogen.
2 (TM) 108 J per kg of hydrogen, which is now accepted value for that parameter.
These findings, which form the basis of modern chemistry, also offered the possibility of storing energy in chemical form, i.e., using a certain type of energy (electricity, light, mechanics).
If, as a primary energy source for hydrogen production using solar energy, this is what we now know as Solar-Hydrogen Energy System.
The introduction of hydrogen as fuel requires finding systems capable of storing safely and reversibly and with high volumetric capacity (amount of hydrogen per unit volume) and gravimeter (amount of hydrogen per unit mass).
These compounds are formed by reacting a metal or alloy with hydrogen gas, hydrogen atoms being stored in solid phase and decomposed by decreasing the hydrogen pressure to which they are subjected, thereby releasing the stored hydrogen.
Among the light metals, that could be stored, hydrogen as a hydride, magnesium is one of the most promising because of its low cost, ready availability abundance and low toxicity.
However, this alternative has two main limitations.
Because of the strong ionic bonds between the atoms of hydrogen and magnesium (Mg 2 + / H); hydride has a high stability, making it necessary at temperatures above 300 ° C working to decompose and accumulated release of hydrogen.
On the other hand, the rates of formation reactions / hydride decomposition are limited by processes such as diffusion of H- or nucleation and growth phase metal / hydride.
According to some theoretical predictions, the reduced stability of the hydride when working with nanoparticles of magnesium, which incidentally would also help improve the kinetics of formation / decomposition of hydrides are these predictions have been partially confirmed by some experimental results.

Can Hydrogen Be A Fuel Cell?

Hydrogen is a gas that is technically a number of sources, but the most common such as natural gas or other fossil fuels.
Hydrogen is made up of atoms that include one proton in each of them.
The stars are made primarily of hydrogen.
The sun is the giant ball that includes hydrogen and helium gases.
In Sun core, combining hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms emit therefore, the radiation energy.
This process is known as fusion.
Hydrogen is able to rise in the air since it is lighter than air and that is the main reason why it can not be found on earth and can only be found in compound form with other various elements.
Hydrogen can be used to power a number of things including vehicles.
The power plants of these vehicles convert the chemical energy of hydrogen to mechanical energy either by combustion or electrochemical conversion in a fuel cell.

Hydrogen can also be an energy carrier where it moves energy in a usable form from one place to another just like electricity works.
Hydrogen is mostly used as fuel at the time, but has great potential for the future to do.
Hydrogen is mostly a by product of other chemical processes.
One difference between the good hydrogen power is that large quantities of hydrogen are stored for future use.
Hydrogen can also be used in places where electricity can not be used.
Hydrogen is used primarily by refineries, food manufacturing are used and the treatment of metals.
In the United States about nine million metric tons of hydrogen is produce mostly in just three states namely California, Texas and Louisiana.
NASA is known as the primary user of hydrogen as an energy fuel and it uses it in the space program.

The small fuel batteries are able to power electric vehicles.
Some places known to have fuel batteries as a source of emergency power especially in hospitals and locations that are in the wilderness.

How Hydrogen Powers Vehicles

While supporters of hydrogen-fuelled cars highlight the eco-friendly byproduct released by it and the need to be independent of fossil fuels, the opponents criticize the move of ignoring the greater picture.

This article aims to highlight the different aspects of hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
The first technique employs hydrogen internal combustion engines to burn hydrogen producing heat and water vapor.

Another way of employing hydrogen as a green fuel takes advantage of the fuel cells, wherein hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce water and electricity, with the electricity forced to power an electric traction motor that powers the engine.
The advantages of energy, give the vehicle without producing carbon emissions, supporters of hydrogen as fuel hydrogen vehicles on the headlights on the ability of hydrogen to the cast.
The byproduct of the reaction, water, can by no means cause harm to the environment.
Another fact that makes hydrogen is the popular abundance of hydrogen in the atmosphere.
It can be found in water, fossil fuels, alcohols and many more sources, reducing the chances for its complete depletion.
It is also found as free in nature.
There is no dependence for supplies from other countries as in the case when fossil fuels are absent.
The property of hydrogen to bond easily with other elements makes the task of acquiring it in the pure form an expensive undertaking.
Typically, electrolysis of water and reforming natural gas are the popular ways employed for separating it in its pure form.
With cylinders being bulky, many are not interested in this as a form of alternative energy.

Today many companies like Ford and Renault-Nissan have withdrawn their efforts on developing hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
Companies such as Daimler and Hyundai, however are on the way for mass production of FC vehicles through the road around 2012.

A successful solution that will be capable of separating hydrogen producing maximum power will indeed be an essential breakthrough that this industry is looking forward to.

Advantages Of Using Hydrogen Powered Cars

Since the number of drivers rose, the demand of petrol and diesel is also has also been felt.
Coming to save the environment and make fuel reserves last longer, hydrogen powered cars are the best way to deal with the future scarcity issue.
Hydrogen fueled cars have been developed and in the near future everyone will be able to buy one of these vehicles to drive around town.
Read to know some basic facts about them.
Hydrogen powered cars, as the names states, run on hydrogen which is a lighter gas that can be found in the top layers of atmosphere.
Near floors above the ground, hydrogen is only in a chemical form of the name, better known as water or H2O known present.
To use it as a source of energy it has to be obtained by burning natural gas like methane or by hydrolysis of water.

Hydrogen fuel cell is the more common.
The electron is used to create electricity, while the proton combines with oxygen to produce harmless water that is expelled from the car.
Hydrogen in unbounded form is cooled and stored so that it can be filled in a car's tank just like gasoline.
More emphasis has been put on using renewable sources like wind, water etc.
On the other hand, these hydrogen powered cars emit only two things, water and heat.
Friendly Vehicles hydrogen cars are only one way to keep the earth green and alive.
These cars are strong contenders to become the cars of the future.
Many leading companies in the automotive industry, the introduction of new models every year, but the cost is just getting started.
However, you can still get all the benefits of hydrogen powered cars by going for a hydrogen kit which can easily be found on the internet.
This kit uses the internal combustion engine in your car to make it run on hydrogen.

However, if you're not one of those lucky people who can afford to buy one of these hydrogen powered cars that are eco-friendly but expensive, then simply go for the cheaper but just as good version which consists of hydrogen kits.