Sunday 8 May 2011

Can I Make My Own Hydrogen Car

Hydrogen cars are the answer that many hope to respond to the growing oil crisis in America.
Most people think of hydrogen cars as being a really expensive new innovation that's going to revolutionize the auto industry, but what most motorists need is a hydrogen generator, or an HHO.
These are indeed easy to construct and install in your vehicle, you can make your own hydrogen car.
There are some hydrogen generator kits that are expensive, but you don't need a particularly expensive kit to work with.
Hydrogen generators are respectful environment and can help to reduce fuel costs.
Interested in saving some money at the pump and save the environment at the same time? Then read on.
HHO is on the chemical compound name for H2O,.
This is how a hydrogen generator kit really works.
The kit uses a method pioneered in the late Yull Brown, a Bulgarian physicist.
This method or process is called electrolysis, and involves the use of an electric current to break down the molecules of water into their basic hydrogen and oxygen components to produce the two individual gases.
They then dispersed in the air already in the engine of your car pumped through the air.
Subsequently they are added to the fumes that are burned in the engine's combustion chamber, to generate the heat required to run the engine.
So in short, your car could possibly be used with less fuel, because it would partially have their usual amount of fuel is replaced by water.
However, because of how much storage extra water tanks take, and the weight they would add to the car, you can't switch completely to this method, but you can get a good boost in your performance and mileage - sometimes up to 50% in gas mileage.
This means you pay only half as much at the pump.

There are other benefits to using an HHO generator.
For one, you can use the engine more efficient, because when you burn gasoline, waste collects in the engine and makes it inefficient over time.
The water vapor produced by HHO generators leaves no such residue, so you can be assured that your car's performance will not be affected in the long run.
Given the fact that hydrogen, oxygen are naturally occurring elements in the atmosphere, would the emissions from a HHO generator very much respect for the room exhaust normal cars carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, which were always presented as one of the few big contributors made air to pollution and climate change.
Another benefit is that you may qualify for tax credits from the IRS.
The Government encourages initiatives green with fuel and elements of lifestyle than others, so they offer incentives such as tax breaks for people who decide to follow the green options.

Fact is, anybody with a basic knowledge of cars and mechanical tools can build and install an HHO generator from a hydrogen generator kit.
In fact, you can make your own, even if it is better to have one with a capacitor.
The kit simply consists of a container with distilled water, baking soda, electrical wire, and a rubber hose.
And for the security conscious, the kit can easily be removed as easily as they can be added.

So interested yet in saving some money by being a more environment-conscious driver? With an abundance of online guides to teach you how to build a hydrogen generator using inexpensive, common everyday materials, you too can make you own hydrogen car.
Why pay thousands of dollars on a hybrid car that you can do yourself? Save money and save environment at the same time.

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