Saturday 7 May 2011

Need Fuel Make Use Of Hydrogen Gas

Hydrogen can be made cheaply and easily on site anywhere there is a ready source of water and electricity.

How a Hydrogen Plant Works

Hydrogen is not found in any significant quantity as a free gas on Earth.
All that remain now are minute quantities of free hydrogen in the upper atmosphere.
Most hydrogen is locked in Terre form of water.

A hydrogen plant, therefore, makes hydrogen on site by a simple process known as electrolysis.
What this boils down to is simple: when an electric current through water decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen.
The gases are collected, separated, and compressed into liquid form.
And that's all for you! The storage of hydrogen and traffic is the biggest problem that hydrogen is dangerous to store and transport.
Since it liquifies at extremely low temperatures and high pressures, the safety concerns are considerable.
Rather, hydrogen can be used to generate electricity at central power stations which is then used to charge an electric vehicle.
There are some promising developments in cell storage, where the liquid hydrogen is stored in an aerogel foam that is immune to catastrophic failure due to heating or ruptures.

The Benefits of Hydrogen

Hydrogen as a fuel, whether used in fuel cells or simply burned in a combustion engine, are manifold.
Contrast this to the limited petroleum resources we have available, in non-renewable deposits, and all the harmful byproducts of petrochemical combustion.
It seems certain that the hydrogen fuels will one day our cities, vehicles and perhaps even our electronic miniaturized fuel cells produce electricity.
A greener world is not as far off as you may think.

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