Saturday 7 May 2011

Magnesium Hydride Is Closer To The Light of Hydrogen Storage Tanks

In the late eighteenth century Lavoisier isolated and identified a new gas, which was by the reaction water, some with a strong reduction of the power of metal such as iron and magnesium acidified.
This reaction is known today as the "hydrolysis".
Later, the famous French chemist, that the combustion (oxidation) of the new gas-water of new products, which to a name used: l hydrogen.
Finally, with his colleague Pierre Laplace, he was able to determine, using an ice calorimeter, the heat of combustion of hydrogen.
2 (TM) 108 J per kg of hydrogen, which is now accepted value for that parameter.
These findings, which form the basis of modern chemistry, also offered the possibility of storing energy in chemical form, i.e., using a certain type of energy (electricity, light, mechanics).
If, as a primary energy source for hydrogen production using solar energy, this is what we now know as Solar-Hydrogen Energy System.
The introduction of hydrogen as fuel requires finding systems capable of storing safely and reversibly and with high volumetric capacity (amount of hydrogen per unit volume) and gravimeter (amount of hydrogen per unit mass).
These compounds are formed by reacting a metal or alloy with hydrogen gas, hydrogen atoms being stored in solid phase and decomposed by decreasing the hydrogen pressure to which they are subjected, thereby releasing the stored hydrogen.
Among the light metals, that could be stored, hydrogen as a hydride, magnesium is one of the most promising because of its low cost, ready availability abundance and low toxicity.
However, this alternative has two main limitations.
Because of the strong ionic bonds between the atoms of hydrogen and magnesium (Mg 2 + / H); hydride has a high stability, making it necessary at temperatures above 300 ° C working to decompose and accumulated release of hydrogen.
On the other hand, the rates of formation reactions / hydride decomposition are limited by processes such as diffusion of H- or nucleation and growth phase metal / hydride.
According to some theoretical predictions, the reduced stability of the hydride when working with nanoparticles of magnesium, which incidentally would also help improve the kinetics of formation / decomposition of hydrides are these predictions have been partially confirmed by some experimental results.

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